Is It Necessary To Get Up Early For Studying?
It depends on the capability of
a student.
How Hard Should Be Studied?
Focus on smart studying instead
of the hard one. Efforts have to be taken but in a right way which may
otherwise result into waste of time as well as efforts. Following points can be
considered to use both of them efficiently:
1. Keeping The Distractions Aside.
Distraction can be caused by friends, family,
mobile phones, TV, etc. Sometimes, too much silence can also make one lose
focus. Thus, the student should recognize the actual distraction and keep it
aside at least while studying. Also, if these things need our attention after
the study hours, the student should try to keep those thoughts aside while
studying. Partying and holidays can be done after the exams. One has to
remember that none is going to compensate for the loss if he/she fails in the
exams. Blaming anyone later will not increase the scores. So, the present time
should be utilized efficiently.
2. Listening To Music.
While studying, some students opt to listen to music. Here, calming music or
some pleasant background music will be a good choice. Background music is
created such that it goes with the flow of the scene and the viewers don’t get
distracted. That’s why it is called so. This all can be a stress buster but
again it should not make a student lose his/her concentration from the studies.
3. Be Comfortable. One
will feel comfortable to study in library or in some room of the house. Even in
the house, some may sit on ground, some may sit on bed, some may sit on a chair
while some may sit on a couch. Improper posture can break related muscles and
result into fatigue. While sitting on a proper study table, leaning on the desk
should be avoided and back should be kept straight but must not touch the
chair. Desk should be at the correct height. Have enough light. While studying
on the floor cross-legged, pressure should be concentrated on the hips and not
the feet. While studying on a bed, books should be kept on some small table
instead of keeping them on feet and having a trouble.
4. Take A Break. Studying
straight for long hours is not good. Instead, about 10 minute long breaks must
be taken after specific period of time depending on the capacity of the student.
In these 10 minutes, one can listen to music while dancing, stretching, or even
walking around. It is recommended to do this after every half an hour to avoid
the muscles becoming stiff.
5. Have Proper Food. It
is said that one should not eat heavily before studying in order to keep away
from fatigue and sleep. But this doesn’t mean that studying should be done with
an empty stomach. Nutritious food
like citrus fruits, dry fruits, eggs(if possible), berries, beets, apples,
avocados, fish(if possible), red, green and orange vegetables can be consumed
before studying. More details about the above mentioned food items can be found
Candy and coffee may result in a blood-sugar crash though they make us active
for some time. Enough water should be consumed after every few minutes to be
hydrated all the time.
6. Changing The Studying Environment. Finding some comfortable spot for
studying everyday or after some days can increase memory and concentration.
7. Only Inspiration Cannot Be The Way To Stay Motivated. Studying is not a one-day
process especially if the examinations are tough accordingly. The student may
surely lose motivation some day. But the student will have to train
himself/herself in such a way that motivation shouldn’t decide his will to
study. The student has to study according to the schedule irrespective of the
motivation. Thus, a proper schedule comes into picture.
8. A Schedule Should Be Made And Followed Too. It is recommended to study at the same
time every day. Enough hours should be taken for sleeping(such as 8 hours on an
average in a day). However, these are not the only activities in the life of a
student. Some may even wish to spend some time for Yoga, meditation or
exercises every day. Some must be attending lectures. Thus, a proper timetable
has to be made considering all these activities which must be followed too.
Disturbing the schedule is not at all recommended.
9. Getting Adapted To Smart Work Instead Of Just Hard Work. The student has to first focus
on the quality and then the quantity of time. Only reading or mugging up
doesn’t mean studying. Reading the same thing for hours is a bad practice.
Instead, the student has to go for understanding the topic which helps to
remember it for a long time or even life-long. Various trusted sources such as
internet, books, teachers, friends or magazines can be chosen here. At the end
of the day, the student has to feel that he/she has actually studied enough for
the day. Positive outcomes should be visible.
10. Revision Is Important. Revising
the related concepts before starting and after finishing the studies for the
day will be helpful. The old concepts should not be allowed to get washed out
of the brain. Weekly revision of each and every concept studied till date are
much important. Small points should be noted down as well as important
sentences or words should be marked wherever possible. This is helpful as the
student will not have to go through each word while revising. Only a look at
the points or markings will be enough. Well, long sentences may not be needed
everywhere. Some concepts can be remembered only by drawing flowcharts or
related diagrams. Also, making algorithms can also help while studying.
11. Attention Should Be Paid During The Lectures. 10th point will be fruitful here. Paying proper attention during the lectures and noting the things down at the same time will prove to be a boon while later. Similarly, doubts must be asked and cleared soon especially in the lectures.
Many other points may rise with the changing time. But these are the basic points applicable for the students of various ages.
What Is Acceptance Here?
We often
forget that life is a journey and not a race. Most common mistake that people
make is to compare two individuals and then ask the one to be like the other.
This makes one lose confidence in self. No two persons can have same
fingerprints. It means even God has made everyone different in some way, then
how can we expect one person to be like another. There is a difference between
getting motivated and copying someone. Sir Elon Musk had said that he had
worked 22 hours a day and the corresponding video can be found here.
Here, he has also recommended that one must not go to such an extent.
Obviously, one cannot keep on studying for straight 22 hours a day. Then what
can be learnt here? Before trying to work or study for long hours, a person
must try to work or study efficiently in few hours first.
Everyone has
a different method of studying. Some may grasp everything quickly while some
may require more time. Some may clear the exams in first attempt while some may
require more attempts. Everyone has to study to get a degree but not every
student is interested in studying. Some may be interested in sports, music,
dance, acting, etc. Thus, the fundamental aim is to clear the exams with enough
marks to have a secured future. But we cannot expect everyone to be the first
rank holder. Studies are important which doesn’t mean that the interests of the
students should be killed.
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